Thursday, June 14, 2007

I'm still waiting for it to rain. And get really cold. Sure there's been the odd shower and yes the southerly is getting the temperature down around the 5 degree mark most mornings. But so far its been no colder than Auckland and the air is much cleaner thanks to Augie Auer's spirit breezing up the South Coast and blowing out the cobwebs. Just quietly, I'll keep talking about the weather as longs as folks think I'm being delusional.
Hey, wanna hear some good news though? We've found a house! This week has been a flurry of activity that will conclude with the arrival of the relocation truck at the new address at 9am tomorrow morning. The house is in the suburb of Khandallah, not somewhere we ever considered being able to afford on the one income. But we stumbled across a bargain; the kind of rambling old villa that sits quietly waiting for desperados like us to come along. Its not perfect; it needs a bit of fencing and will no doubt take a bit of heating but it has good bones. It is dry (cold), it is spacious (cold) and it has great character (ugly wallpaper in the kitchen). And most of all, it welcomes Chili-dog with open arms, something most rental properties in Wellington have trouble doing. Either this city isn't very dog friendly at all or maybe I am just acutely aware of the thin lipped smiles that greet canine enquiries becuase we seek acceptance all over again. Thats ok, a whole new City Council to feign ignorance with when I am caught exercising Chili on a beach that breeds Blue Penguins.
The house. Found it on Monday, presented our list of demands Monday night, had them accepted Tuesday, signed the agreement Wednesday, had the cleaners in Thursday (today) and as I mentioned before, we are reunited with our belongings tomorrow. I'll spend most of the weekend unpacking and with cautious fingers crossed we will be out off the Lambton Shoe Box on Sunday.
Maybe then this will stop feeling like a holiday and start feeling like something shiny and new.


Friday, June 08, 2007

The die is cast, the move has been made and via plane ride (Camille and James) and virtually non-stop car journey (Chris) we arrived in Wellington last weekend. Its taken nearly a week to gather our thoughts and come to terms with the fact that we are much closer to Christchurch than we were a week ago...

But, 5 days in and we're all starting to find our feet; Camille LOVES the people she is working with and has been immediately enveloped by the family-like atmosphere. I popped by today with James and was accosted by numerous people telling us how great it was having Camille on the station... and it was all so genuine! The finely honed Auckland-grown cynic in me was banished instantaneously. Its good to know Camille is in a such a good place of work. If you get a chance to listen you can stream the Wellington Classic Hits at

James is settling down as much as a 2 year old can settle in a 15 square metre apartment in downtown Lambton Quay. We are about 200 metres from the Beehive which is definitely cool but no so good for wee boys. I've looked and I've looked but there doesn't seem to be a playground located around Parliament. I think they need one; it would certainly lighten up the serious faces on the suits who have to deviate from their determined walks as James and I amble past with the buggy. Having said that we are constantly discovering new playgrounds as we search for somewhere to live. And I think he is loving having his Dad around every day. After a hesitant start (he pushed the boundaries really hard on the first two days) we have started to click.

And me? I am really, really happy. Slowly but surely I am slowing down, forgetting about work-speed and learning James-speed. It is early days but already feels mighty liberating. Liberating... and exhausting! And when I can, furiously looking for somewhere to live. It is all-consuming and I have taken on a slightly maniacal look in my eye which may have scared the odd letting agent. I cornered one today to make an impassioned plea to revoke their strict No Dog policy. Camille virtually had to drag me away. I don't think we'll get that house... Buuut the house with our name on it is just around the corner. A corner. Any corner. Please just show us the corner!

And Wellington? Wellington is fantaaaastic. Anyone reading this in muggy old Auckland may well scoff that its only because the weather has been kind. Thats partly true (we have been able to hit the playgrounds everyday after all) but the feel of the city is encouraging, even though as I write this the bar located in the street below our apartment is playing Brown Eyed Girl for the umpeenth time this week. Only tonight there is a significant crowd singing along. Awesome.

Tacky old Van Morrison songs aside, it feels great to be here.
