Thursday, September 28, 2006

James and I had an absolute ball at the launch of the new Kelly Tarltons "Freaky Fish" exhibit on Monday, he was very taken with the penguins and live fish up close - very cool to watch!
For our cafe this week we went on an expedition to Te Atatu peninsula where there is a divine cafe called Servo - well worth the trip as it was AMAZING! The hash browns were simply stunning and they didnt seem to mind James throwing his pineapple around a little. Phew.
Chris is away at conference at the moment and it sounds like he is having a good ole time involving quad biking, drinking, dressing up and a little bit of work. No sympathy from us if he is hungover on his return.
Today is another gorgeous spring day, a perfect day for lounging around in the sun, if you are Chili dog that is!! Here are a couple of photos of our family sleeping - Chili sleeping on the flax and grasses in the sun and James passed out in exhaustion after another busy morning playing soccer. xx

Monday, September 25, 2006

It's been a pretty busy last few days - Friday we spent the morning at the Zoo with James friends Ruby & Thomas - check out the cute photo of Ruby & James kissing!! James favoruite animals are still the elephants, monkeys and the massive tortise but unfortunately the giraffes were not on display bummer.
On Saturday we had a swimming lesson breakthrough where James really started to "get it" - he was made captain of the lesson and then he started being able to do the monkey climb along the side of the pool bar - YAY a huge improvement!
Yesterday while I was working Chris took James up North to Shakespear National Park to make a cameo appearance in the next Carly Binding video for "My Satellite" - it was a pretty big weekend all round really. Loving this spring weather - more sun please!! Today we are off to the launch of the new Kelly Tarltons Freakty Fish exhibit which will be pretty cool.
Cheerio! Camille

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Hiya and welcome to the very first Guzzwell blog!! Woohoo very exciting stuff. Thought it would be best to finally become a little more technologically aware and have a family blog so we can show off our news and photos.
This photo was taken at Piha on Fathers Day a few weeks ago where we had a very choice family picnic.
James has just passed the 19 month milestone and has just recieved his first proper trike - one of those flash kettler german made trikes - another very cool hand me down thanks to his Karaka cousins. He loves it too bits and whilst he can't quite figure out how to pedal just yet he is very happy being pushed around on it (again and again) or else just pushing it around himself!
Chris is desperately hungover thanks to a huge night last night at the Silver Scrolls and I am all good.
Anyway that will do for now, gotta run as Jimmy has just woken and we are off this afternoon to do a few chores.